Service Learning

In line with Bringle & Hatcher (1996) and Eyler & Giles (1999), the following definition of Service Learning at the University of Vienna is being used:

Service Learning connects societal engagement ("service") with the training of technical, methodological, and social competences ("learning") of students.

It is implemented in academic teaching at the University of Vienna and bound to the acquisition of ECTS. In line with the university’s Third Mission, questions from practical relevance are being addressed and scientific knowledge is directly being transferred into practice through cooperation with stakeholders from industry and society. Students gain key competeces, allowing them to successfully transfer their acquired knowledge in the future. Processes of conscious reflection should lead to the development of new and sustainable problemsolving skills. Thererfore, taking new perspectives, assume responsibilities, as well as highly structured decision-making processes in (interdisciplinary) teams are essential. 

Characteristics of Service Learning

  • The course includes societal engagement ("service")
  • Students acquire subject specific and generic competences (“learning“)
  • The course includes a cooperation with partners from practice 
  • Scientific knowledge is being transferred into practice

For further materials regarding Service Learning click here.

 Click here to download a template for the description of your Service Learning course.

 Service Learning at the University of Vienna

One important goal of the university’s Third Mission is the visualization of Good Practice examples. A number of successful Service Learning projects have already been conducted.

These activities have been recorded systematically to constantly enlarge the pool of Good Practice examples.

Please contact us, if you have held or are holding a Service Learning course at the University of Vienna!



Good Practice Examples

Service Learning courses from the online survey 2020/21

TitlePerson mainly responsibleKeywordsLink
Action Research and Learning: Gender Mainstreaming and the MediaRozgonyi, Krisztinamedia and gender; participatory action learning and action research; deliberative teaching; social awareness; responsiveness to gendered inequalities; journalism curriculaBeschreibung
Frauen in Rot*Folie, SandraWikipedia Studies; Wikipedistik; Gender Bias; Gender Gap; Frauen in RotBeschreibung
Online Ausstellung 'WIR PROTESTIEREN!'Schmidt-Lauber, BrigittaProtest; Studienprojekt; Online-AusstellungBeschreibung
Professionalisierung durch LernbegleitungVetter, Evamultilingualism; service learning; teacher education; refugee migrationBeschreibung
Proseminar KommunikationsräumeVetter, EvaMehrsprachigkeit; Lehrer*innenbildung; KlimabildungBeschreibung
Service Learning an SchulenResch, Katharinaservice learning; Kooperationsschulen; Wissenstransfer; LehramtBeschreibung
TeachingClinicFroehlich, Dominikservice learning, Lehrer*innen, InnovationsprojekteBeschreibung