Third Mission activities of the University of Vienna
In the course of the project “Third Mission of the University of Vienna” we systematically documented Third Mission activities, which are already being implemented at the University of Vienna, by means of university-wide online surveys (2017 and 2020/2021).
Based on relevant literature and internal discourses, the University of Vienna assigns third mission activities to the following three dimensions:
Here you can find the Projects
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At the University of Vienna, there exist various established structures/institutions which promote, support and/or implement Third Mission activities. These include amongst others: Postgraduate Center, u:start, INiTS, Corporate Communications, Research Services and Career Development and its Transfer-Office, Studienservice und Lehrwesen (Study Services and Teaching; Webpage only available in German), the Vienna University Children’s Office and the Alumniverband (alumni association; Webpage only available in German). The Project 'Third Mission of the University of Vienna' is being conducted in addition to these established structures/activities as well as cross-university initiatives (such as the Wissens- und Technologietransferzentrum Ost [knowledge and technology transfer center; Webpage only available in German] or wings4innovation) with an explicit focus on activities which are based on research and the objective of increased networking.
Note: Continuing education was not included as a dimension - notwithstanding that it is an important element of the Third Mission - since continuing education courses of the University of Vienna are already anchored at an institutional level (Postgraduate Center). The same applies for start-ups, which are also separately anchored at the University of Vienna (u:start, INiTS).
Notes on the presentation of the Third Mission activities: The term "bracket project" is used for those activities that include several sub-projects or several individual activities that can be combined into one overall activity with a common goal.With regard to cooperations, it should be noted that in the case of activities in the field of technology transfer, in some cases no details of funding by companies may be given. In addition to the persons responsible for the projects, in most cases a team of pre-docs and post-docs is or was also significantly involved in the activities.